We Get Your Team Acting Sustainably in 100 Days

SustainabilitySpot uses science-backed surveys, real-time insights & benchmarks, and a tailored action plan to ensure every employee contributes to your sustainability mission. 

For sustainability managers of companies with 100+ employees 🌍

Trusted by Leading Sustainability Managers

  • Science-Backed Surveys

    Get precise data with expert-designed surveys. Understand your current engagement and employee motivation barriers .

  • Real-Time Insights

    Immediate, actionable insights through our interactive dashboard. Make data-driven decisions quickly and effectively.

  • Tailored 100-Day Action Plan

    Customized action plans to boost employee engagement and sustainability. Achieve measurable results in just 100 days.

Driving Company-Wide Sustainability Strategy Alone Is Impossible

  • Too Much Resistance

    Lack of awareness and interest among employees hinders progress, leaving sustainability managers feeling isolated.

  • Limited Engagement

    Despite efforts, employee engagement remains low. Initiatives are seen as extra tasks, not part of the company culture.

  • Motivating Change is Challenging

    Employees resist change when their motivations are unclear, making it hard for sustainability managers to inspire and sustain engagement.

Here’s How We Can Help You Engage Employees to Act Sustainably in 100 Days

  • 1

    Understanding your business, team, challenges, and current sustainability goals.

    It starts with a comprehensive intake process where we gather details about your business, team, challenges, and current sustainability goals. You’ll fill out a detailed form, followed by a kickoff call to dive deeper into your sustainability practices and missions. This foundation ensures our approach is perfectly tailored to your needs.

  • 2

    Crafting and distributing the perfect science-based survey.

    Based on the intake, our behavioral scientists design a customized survey aimed at uncovering employee motivations and barriers to sustainable actions. We focus on ensuring high response rates to get accurate data. We’ll support you with the distribution process, utilizing strategies to maximize employee participation.

    Customer survey
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    Analyzing real-time insights from the survey.

    Once the survey is completed, we collect real-time insights and create an interactive dashboard for you. This tool helps analyze employee responses, identifying what's holding them back and where opportunities lie. We'll schedule a session to review these insights together, ensuring you understand the data and its implications fully.

    Site stats
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    Developing a tailored 100-day action plan to boost employee engagement.

    With the insights from the survey, we develop a tailored 100-day action plan. This plan includes actionable steps and easy-to-follow playbooks designed to drive employee engagement and integrate sustainability into daily practices. Each action is crafted to be directly implementable, ensuring immediate progress.

    To do list
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    Providing continuous support throughout the 100 days.

    Throughout the 100 days, we provide continuous support to ensure success. This includes regular check-ins to monitor progress, address challenges, and adjust strategies as needed. Our team is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring your employees are fully engaged and actively contributing to your sustainability goals.

    Team spirit

"What About Actual Results?"

We worked with sustainability managers of leading companies, here are some examples.

  • 1697283472972
    Laura Koedijk
    Sustainability Manager

    "Conducting the program of SustainabilitySpot gives you insights into how your employees view sustainability and opens your eyes to areas that could be improved. It then provides you with the tools to determine your next steps as a sustainability manager."

    Studio Anneloes

  • 1649709402342
    Eva Amsterdam
    Senior Sustainability Manager

    "SustainabilitySpot is a sparring partner in the field of employee engagement around sustainability. It’s very nice to have such a partner who provides concrete tools to really get started with that engagement and achieve improvements."

    Coca-Cola Europacific Partners


We've interviewed over 120 sustainability managers and discovered a common challenge: many large companies struggle to engage employees in sustainability efforts, making it difficult to achieve meaningful impact and ambitious goals.

Sustainability managers face significant obstacles, such as overcoming employee resistance to sustainability initiatives and finding effective ways to motivate and engage their teams.

That’s why we built SustainabilitySpot – to provide the tools and support sustainability managers need to drive company-wide engagement and make a lasting impact.

In just 100 days, we’ve helped numerous companies transform their sustainability practices, engaging employees at every level and achieving their sustainability goals. Let us help you do the same.

Bodine van Styrum
Founder & CEO of SustainabilitySpot